Who Killed the Killer?

by Ken Ingle on May 10, 2011

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R.P. Gavin has a good deal as discreet chauffeur to the Dallas underworld and the chic of Dallas society. When one of his clients knocks him out–and is then killed in the back seat of R.P.’s limo, he decides he needs to be a bit better prepared. So, he has his car armored, refreshes his martial arts skills, and gets a gun license. Instead of making him safer, though, his new skills make him more popular with clients who are likely to get shot at… and with the police and FBI.

Hired to investigate a threatened murder, R.P. mixes driving, investigation, and romancing a beautiful FBI agent. At the back of his mind, though, there’s one question that won’t go away. Who set him up with the dead gunman left in the back seat of his limo. Until he finds who killed the killer, he’ll be at risk.

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